Club History

Highlights 1969 - 1975

☼The Hebron Junior Women’s Club was organized in November of 1969 by approximately eight women.  A lack of opportunity for community service and sociability seemed to indicate the need for such an organization in Hebron. Mrs. Carol Cubit was elected Hebron’s first president to serve for the 1970-1971 club year. Our by-laws were approved and accepted by the Connecticut State Federation of Women’s Clubs (CSFWC) in January of 1970.


☼ Provided Tags for Tots, held our first arts and crafts fair, and conducted a pre-school children’s eye and ear clinic, servicing 80 children.


☼In 1973-1974, the club’s work in getting out the vote for a referendum regarding a new middle school resulted in recognition at the CT Junior Women State Spring Conference in the form of the “Outstanding Club Award (Class A)”.


☼ In 1973 we honored our first “Citizen of the Year”, an honor we still bestow on a Hebron citizen annually


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